
800 Million people do not have access to clean drinking water. So they drink dirty water which results in serious health issues. Every 19 Seconds a child dies somewhere on this planet do to a lack of clean drinking water.

Now is the time to take action and change this!

With my ride4water I want to raise enough donations in order to fund the drilling and upkeep of a well that will provide 500 people with fresh drinking water.

My trip is 6 months, 8.000 KM, 1 bicycle, alone, 100KM every second day, tenting, couch surfing …

How can you help? It’s simple:
Raise some money with friends, your church, sports club, company or whatever and donate it. 100% of it will go into funding the well! You will even get an invoice for tax benefits in Germany.

Kirche in Aktion Frankfurt e.V.
Account number: 4004787
Bank number: 52060410
Bank name: Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft
IBAN: DE84520604100004004787
BIC: GENODEF1EK1 (No # zero in this code; only letter “O”)
Reference: ride4water, YOUR NAME, YOUR POSTAL ADRESS

100% !?!? How is that possible? How are you covering your expenses for food etc?
In order not to starve and to cover my costs I ask you to help me out, too! I will cover my costs over this bank account:

Klaus-Peter Wenz
Account number: 15422769
Bank number: 51250000
Bank name: Taunus-Sparkasse
IBAN: DE69512500000015422769
Reference: Do not starve, YOUR NAME, YOUR EMAILADRESS

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