Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park
In the event of a large-scale disaster, such as an earthquake centered below Tokyo, The Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park acts as a central base of operations for disaster prevention and relief in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The Prevention Park houses emergency response facilities including local disaster management headquarters and institutions that compile disaster-related information and coordinate emergency disaster measures. The park is also a disaster prevention facility that acts as a core base camp for regional assistance units and as a base of support for disaster medical care. This care functions in an integrated manner with the Higashi Ogishima region (Kawasaki City) distribution control center.
In reference to park operations, the City of Tokyo divides the responsibilities for management of the Prevention Park with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism through the Urban Park Program. Activities during standard hours as well as times of disaster are considered. (1) During standard operating hours, relevant organizations collaborate and perform exchanges of disaster-related information and perform a variety of simulations, training and other activities in order to prepare for future disasters. (2) The park is also utilized as a place to encourage interest among the citizens of Japan and to instill within them the intelligence, knowledge, techniques and values of self-help and mutual assistance, that will make it possible for them to handle an actual disaster through a wide variety of experience, studying, and training. (3) The park is also is an attractive area that takes advantage of urban concentration and of the ability to attract visitors to the Tokyo waterfront subcenter. The national government park covers a land area of 6.7 ha and the adjacent municipal park covers 6.5 ha, providing for a total of 13.2 ha.
Information: The Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park