Migratation of refugess are indeed a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a Society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. It affects both physically and mentally. It also causes health and safety […]
Baan Nhongbua school is one of the affected school, damaged from the earthquake occurred on 5 May 2014 in Pahn district, Chiangrai. The unpredictable disaster caused a huge damage to the classroom buildings. Project description by Jun Sekino Design for Disaster team formed up an emergency team of 9 Architects in Thailand participating to design and […]
The Arrels foundation was developed in 1987 to aid homeless people in the city of Barcelona, Spain. Focusing on housing, food, social services and health care, the entity has led more than 8,000 homeless people towards an autonomous future. The ultimate goal of the organization is to end homelessness so that no one is left […]
Rethink Relief is an intense design workshop dedicated to creating technologies for humanitarian relief that specifically address the gap between short-term relief and long-term sustainable development. This hands-on event is an unique opportunity for practitioners, designers and recipients of humanitarian aid to engage and develop a holistic approach to relief that considers the transition from emergency […]
On World Refugee Day, the IKEA Foundation is celebrating its unique partnership with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and Refugee Housing Unit—a partnership to design and build a better home for refugee families. Many of the shelters currently used in refugee camps often have a life span of as little as six months before the impact of sun, […]
While retaining the concept of a lightweight structure, made from sustainable materials, the Hexi-House design has now gone through a radically reappraisal and we have decided to abandon the original idea of a funnel shaped roof. The central downpipe has been removed and the inward sloping roof has been replaced with a simpler six-sided roof […]
Three years ago, Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.0. Habitat for Humanity was able to help more than 200,000 people. Just recently the “Jimmy Carter Project 2012” took place. Though recovery has been slow and arduous, progress is visible in the new community of Santo. In February 2012, 155 families moved from […]
In the city Leogane, Haiti – a place that was still in ruins two years ago – a new hope has emerged. An incredible, 155 families moved into the first permanent houses that have been built within the local development area of “Habitat for Humanity”. All of the families living in the area were left […]
From 30 June to 8 July, “Build Peace” took place in Armenia. Volunteers from around the world rebuilt homes that were ravaged by poverty and conflict country houses of poor families, together with “Habitat for Humanity”. The family Babayan’s received a new home: The family of four lived in a dilapidated house. There was no bathroom, the toilet was outside […]
The ES Pipe Waterwheel is a tool that utilizes hydropower generated from regular water taps by converting it to energy. The waterwheel works in the same way as a mini turbine does, the waterwheel pipe connects to a regular water pipe, as water runs, the turbines turn and generate energy. This energy is used to […]