• Covid-19 rapid deployment test centre

    Two of the most pressing needs worldwide in the coronavirus pandemic are for more hospital beds and testing centres. No country in the world has enough hospital beds or intensive-care unit (ICU) beds for a pandemic. We need structures that can be quickly and easily assembled, are inexpensive and meet technical requirements. Architects have always […]

  • Biodiversity conservation and business

    The biological diversity makes our lives livable in the planet trough an array of ecological processes which provide us vital products and services, such as foods and materials that contributes to the economy. Although, factors such as habitat destruction, biological invasion and climate change have been taken numerous species to extinction. The lasting natural areas […]

  • Blue Freedom – Providing reliable first aid electricity from hydropower

    Electrical power supply is among the first critically important services in disaster areas. Especially natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or floodings lead to a destruction of the installed power grid and portable electricity becomes indispensable. One innovative solution is Blue Freedom Portable, a lightweight hydropower generator with 5W output capacity. With a weight of […]

  • Transition of Shelters – Portable Emergency Shelter

    Migratation of refugess are indeed a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a Society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. It affects both physically and mentally. It also causes health and safety […]

  • Inflatable Refugee Tents

    A new refugee tent has been designed by the team at M2B Inflatable in Sofia, Bulgaria.  This refugee tent is inflatable and will offer an affordable, dignified and practical shelter against extreme weather.  The inflatable tent provides immediate emergency housing solutions and adapts to any disaster area. The inflated walls of the tent will offer […]

  • The Modern Yurk – A Possible Design for Relief Scenarios?

    The Scottish company Trakke has redeveloped the nomadic yurt shelter and created the Jero Yurt. The temporary housing innovation is a lightweight dwelling that pops up and was designed to be used for events such as backyard parties or off-grid camping experiences with a modern twist. The Jero’s compact design even allows it to be […]

  • innonatives kitchen challenge winner

    innonatives first challenge winners 2015

    The innonatives team is proud to present the first winners of the first completed innonatives challenge. Please see here for the winning solutions of the Sustainable Kitchen challenge http://innonatives.com/challenge/sus-brazil/solutions-sorted/winners Congratulations to the winners !!!  Your innonatives Team

  • AIDF Disaster relief infographic d4d

    Download & share the #infographic on the importance of #PPPs & #tech in disaster management: http://bit.ly/1qj6Evn  http://ow.ly/i/6Ku5d

  • PowerCube Pop-up Solar Generator Provides Relief to Disaster-Struck Areas

    It was seven years ago that Ecosphere Technologies revealed its first iteration of a self-contained relief unit for disaster-struck areas. The company has since been busy refining the system’s form and function and has now announced the completion of what it says to be the world’s largest deployable solar power generator. Capable of generating 15 […]

  • Sustainability Maker needs you !

    Join the next big thing! Attend the first Sustainability Maker Convention, the world’s first conference on Open Innovation, Crowd Sourcing and Crowd Funding for Sustainability. Be among the first to witness the start of the next Sustainability innovation movement and to know about the www.innonatives.com open innovation for Sustainability platform. Registration Please register online before October […]


Disasters such as, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, famines and wars cause destruction and suffering to humankind. Whether these are natural and inevitable, or man-made and unnecessary, we can improve our means of reacting and aiding the victims affected.

This website is to function as a source of information and a communication platform for exchanging knowledge, experience, ideas and projects. How can we design life in a way that we are better prepared and have better infrastructure, methods to avoid damage, suffering and death tolls?

Most important and featured

The Design Development of Hexi-House – Phase 1

Background While attending a social entrepreneurship course in July 2012, Dublin-based business student Chris Rooney was tasked with coming up with a new sustainable housing system for developing countries that would use recycled materials in the process. Upon assignment of this brief the first phone call made by Chris was to his father, Jim – […]

Solar buddy – mobile off-grid system on wheels

Green Sun Rising Inc.  has developed and built a mobile solar off-grid system, the “solar buddy”. It can be wheeled around, can be directed to the sun for optimum harvest, and is a solar power generator. Perfectly quiet, its 240W DC module harvests solar energy and provides power for either direct use or battery charge. 1000 W AC 120V […]

An efficient and clean way to access water

For the many countries that are facing drought and dry conditions, access to clean and safe drinking water is a top priority. To answer this need, designers from the European team, CORDIS, have developed a desalinization process that utilizes solar power, is highly efficient and low cost. Current desalinization systems pressurize salt water to force […]

Play your way to clean electricity

Soccket brings electricity to developing nations. Soccket is a soccer ball that generates and stores energy while in play. This energy can be used as clean electricity, bringing light to many homes. Currently, many developing nations rely on kerosene lamps to supply light in the evening. These lamps are dangerous, they emit toxic fumes and […]

Sony protects forests in Sumatra

The technology giant, Sony, is working to protect the forests in Sumatra. In 2011, Sony began preservation efforts on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, with the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Japan. The forests, full of rich biological diversity, have shrunk drastically. Now, radical action must be taken to save the wildlife. Recently, […]

Walk, run or bike to clean power

The nPOWER PEG harvests kinetic energy from motion such as walking, running or biking. It then uses this energy to charge hand-held electronic devices. The project is currently looking for funding on Indiegogo. The goal is to deliver 100 generators to high-risk areas that are off-the-grid, but that use mobile devices. “Over half a billion mobile […]

CDRN – an efficient way to give aid

The Corporate Disaster Resource Network is a supply chain management system that gives access to information, services and products that emergency humanitarian aid groups need. The mission of CDRN is, “Facilitating an efficient real time supply chain management system for effective deployment of resources – financial, material, volunteers and skilled professionals for preparedness, response and […]

Red Cross Alert App

The Red Cross just released its second emergency alert app. This new app focuses on hurricanes. In using the app, people can access local and up-to-date information about what to do before, during and after a hurricane. The previously released and first app from the Red Cross was on the topic of first aid. The […]

Solar Kiosk

The world’s first solar powered kiosk is helping developing nations to develop renewable energy while growing sustainable small business. This solar powered kiosk, designed by GRAFT Architects of Germany, opened in Lake Langano, Ethiopia. The small store provides local residents access to goods and offers power for battery charging. The kiosk has photovoltaic panels on […]

Floating satellite

The GATR-Com, developed by Paul Gierow, provides a method of communication in times of disaster. The floating beach-ball-like satellite dishes provide connections when the on-ground condition is compromised. The satellite balloon was tested and approved during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The device can be flat packed into two backpacks and assembled in 15 minutes. […]

Liter of Light

The project, Liter of Light offers a sustainable alternative to kerosene lamps traditionally used in homes in developing nations. Kerosene lamps are dangerous and they emit toxic gases and large amounts of CO2. MIT student Alfredo Moser, envisioned an alternative lighting system made of recycled plastic water bottles, functioning as solar lamps. Illac Diaz, a […]

Drought in the US grows worse

The US is currently experiencing the worst nation-wide drought since 1956. Last week, the areas under extreme drought conditions in key agricultural states tripled. Now, close to 2/3rds, that is, 56% of the nation is experiencing drought conditions.This is the worst drought that the country has experienced since 1956, when 58% of the country was […]